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Baby Massage: Welcome

Baby Massage

Baby massage is the gentle, rhythmic stroking of your baby's body using your hands.

Bond and Bloom was named after the realisation that it is not just a class that will help you socialise with other parents/guardians but in fact help you and your baby form a secure bond whilst blooming in all aspects. Below are a few reasons why baby massage will benefit both you and baby.

Ready Mixed Concrete Delivery

A Tool

Baby massage can be used as a tool to encourage and develop the understanding of your baby. How many times do you miss ques, wonder why your baby is upset or just wish they could tell you what is wrong? Well baby massage will help the understanding of nonverbal communication which will enable secure attachment bonds to develop.

Concrete Mixing

Secure Attachment

By creating a secure attachment, other aspects of life will have a positive impact throughout their whole lives. From making friends to forming relationships and feeling understood/secure. Your child's eagerness to learn and explore freely, having a healthy self awareness and gaining trust and empathy will all blossom with a secure attachment.

Concrete Constructions

Importance of Touch

The importance of touch and skin to skin for you and baby:

- regulate breathing

-regulate heartbeat

-regulate temperature

-increase milk supply for breastfeeding mummas

-encourage feeding and latch

-regulate hormones

-feeling safe and secure

-reduce stress

-develops relationship

-pain relief


Smoothing Concrete

Medical Benefits

There are plenty of medical benefits from baby massage for your baby. Baby massage decreases colic. Babies are relaxed enabling gas to move and escape. Gentle pressure on the strokes targeting the intestines can help will constipation however ideally used as a preventative. Massage techniques used will improve circulation around your baby's body, helping to remove toxins. This will boost health and enhance the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscle cells. Weight gain is supported overall. Teething can be supported by massaging certain points in the body.

Baby Massage: Services
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